Not so long ago, I had a large file box filled with reference photos to use when drawing or painting. I probably still have it somewhere, but the last few years I’ve been using the Internet when I need a reference. It’s easy to search a subject and come up with hundreds of photos. But as artists, we can appreciate that those images belong to someone else. So, while you may use photos from a search as a reference for what something looks like or to spark new ideas, you cannot copy them.
But — there are exceptions. Some sites are designed especially for providing reference photos. Here are some you can try:
MorgueFile.com contains thousands of photographs posted by individuals who want to share their work with others. You can download any of the free images to use for your own inspiration or as reference photos. However, you may not use the photo “as is” for resale products.
PaintMyPhoto.com is a social networking site is was created to share photos for artistic inspiration. You will not infringe on anyone’s copyright when you use these photos.
Free Photos and Patterns for Painting are provided by artist Susie Short. She even includes patterns to help get you started.
Where have you found reference photos?
Feature photo by pedrojperez
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