Category Archives: Watercolor
Adding Watercolor to Scratchboard
Scratchboard and Watercolor Combining the mediums of scratchboard with watercolor can produce some beautiful results. Here’s what you’ll need: SUPPLIES: Finished Scrathboard Piece Watercolors Small paint brushes Palettes (A styrofoam plate works well) Paper Towels Containers with Water Place your finished scratchboard piece on your work space. Now that the drawing is completed, let’s add the watercolors. Decide […]
Incredible White Mask Liquid Frisket
Frisket, also known as masking fluid, is used by watercolor artists to block out areas of the painting so they stay white. I always use an old, cheap brush when applying the masking fluid; it’s very sticky and tends to ruin brushes. You don’t have to apply a thick layer, though; a thin layer will […]
Understanding the Basics of Color

Without realizing it, we often pick up on color theory, whether in artwork, room design, or furniture patterns. Color theory describes the relationships that colors have with one another. Think about a color wheel. A color wheel is a representation of these relationships. Like other relationships in our lives, colors have ways that they work together—primary, […]
Painting an Underwater Scene (Part 2)

Paint the Fish While you are waiting for your background to dry create the fish that will swim in your sea. You can use the reference photos below. Draw the fish with a pencil on another sheet of watercolor paper . When you are satisfied with your drawings, use the watercolor paints to color them in. You […]
Underwater Scene in Watercolor – Part 1

For this lesson, you’ll start an “Under the Sea” painting using the wet on wet and spatter techniques. The wet on wet technique involves placing wet paint on a wet surface. You can use the wet on wet technique to create the watery background. Supplies: Watercolor paper attached to a sturdy backing (cardboard, foam board, etc.) with tape […]
Creating with Line and Wash

Line and wash, also known as pen and wash, describes art created combining two traditional types of media: ink and watercolor. It refers to the method of applying washes of color to a line drawing in ink. While many illustrations are created using this technique (such as the books by Beatrix Potter), it can also be used […]