Category Archives: Lessons
Stippling with Pen and Ink

Stippled drawing of a raccoon by Goldencloud Stippling involves using dots instead of lines to create a drawing. Supplies Here’s what you’ll need to create your own piece of art by stippling: Drawing paper (When I’m using pen, I like to use a heavier paper, such as Bristol or even cardstock. ) Pencils Erasers Pens (I like […]
Adding Watercolor to Scratchboard
Scratchboard and Watercolor Combining the mediums of scratchboard with watercolor can produce some beautiful results. Here’s what you’ll need: SUPPLIES: Finished Scrathboard Piece Watercolors Small paint brushes Palettes (A styrofoam plate works well) Paper Towels Containers with Water Place your finished scratchboard piece on your work space. Now that the drawing is completed, let’s add the watercolors. Decide […]
Understanding the Basics of Color

Without realizing it, we often pick up on color theory, whether in artwork, room design, or furniture patterns. Color theory describes the relationships that colors have with one another. Think about a color wheel. A color wheel is a representation of these relationships. Like other relationships in our lives, colors have ways that they work together—primary, […]
Introduction to Scratchboard

Scratchboard is a medium in which the artist uses an ink-covered board (usually black) and scratches away an image. The resulting artwork is made up of white lines on a black surface. Here’s what you’ll need to get started: SUPPLIES: Scratchboard – Depending on where you live, you might be able to find these in an […]
How to Draw an Eye
Yes, You Can Learn to Draw!

Have you ever heard someone say, “I can’t draw a stick figure” or “I don’t have any artistic talent” or “The creative gene skipped over me.” Hearing that always makes me a little sad, because I know something the speaker doesn’t: Drawing is a skill, and skills can be learned. I always start my beginning […]