
By Catherine, USA

It is 11 by 8 inches and it is of a girl who is just happy to be her. Calm by Catherine


By Sharavya, Age 4, USA

  Ideation, drawing and coloring by my kid. On paper and colored with color pencils. Her depiction of her favorite cartoon character who is enjoying a peaceful moment with closed eyes. Peace by Sharavya

Black Dog

By Joshua, Age 19, USA

  11×17 multi-media sketch. Bottom layer of Prisma Color Markers, second layer of pastel pencils for texture, topped with a layer of colored pencils for fine detail. Black Dog by Joshua

In Shock

By Amana, Age 14, United Kingdom

– 42cm x 30cm – Marked out and painted in black acrylic but the smaller lines were created using a 0.8mm and 0.1mm fine liner. – The only colours used are black paint and ink, and a very small amount of white acrylic. In Shock by Amana