Onam celebration in Kerala
By Samantha, Age 12, Canada
By Molly, Norway
Erin Gray
By Katherine, Age 11, United Kingdom
“Emotions” Art Challenge Winner
And the winner of the “Emotions” Art Challenge is… LEGO PLAY MAKES ME HAPPY By Evelyn, USA Congratulations, Evelyn! Remember, the winner is chosen by a random drawing. It would be too hard for me to choose! So each artwork is assigned a number. The winning number was chosen using the site Random.org. So no matter […]
And the winner of the “In the Kitchen” Art Challenge is… A GIRL COOKING SOUP By Eshal, Pakistan Congratulations, Eshal! You can see all the entries HERE. Remember, the winner is chosen by a random drawing. It would be too hard for me to choose! So each artwork is assigned a number. The winning number […]