A still life is a drawing or painting of a collection of inanimate objects. It could include flowers, bowls, fruit, old shoes, tools, toys – the possibilities are endless! When creating a still life, the skill of drawing symmetrical objects comes in handy.
Symmetrical objects are objects that are exactly the same on both sides. If you were to draw a line straight down the middle of the object, the two sides are mirror images of each other, as seen with this vase:
For this lesson for drawing symmetrical objects, you will need:
• Pencils
• Erasers
• Reference Photos or
• Symmetrical Household Objects
Look at the objects below. The first half of the object has already been drawn. Draw the other side of it to mirror it exactly, completing the picture.
This exercise is recommended by author Mona Brooks in her book, Drawing With Children: A Creative Method for Adult Beginners, Too. Below are a few more to try. You can make up as many of these practice pictures as you need.

For this exercise, you’ll be copying one or more of the pictures below.
1. Choose from the pictures provided. Draw the basic shape of that object on your paper, making sure your drawing will fit on the page. For example, if you are drawing the vinegar bottle, your sketch might look like this:
2. Sketch a straight line VERY LIGHTLY down the center of your drawing. You’ll be erasing this line later.
3. Note where the lines of the object are straight and where they curve. Draw one half of the object on one side of the center line.
4. Draw the second side of the object to mirror the first side.
5. Finally, erase the center line.
When you’re ready, find several real objects that are the same on both sides. Some objects you might include would be a salt shaker, a jar, a bottle, a candle holder, or a bowl.
1. Follow the same steps as above. Choose one of the objects and draw the basic shape of that object on your paper.
2. Sketch a straight line VERY LIGHTLY down the center of your drawing. 3. Draw one half of the object on one side of the center line.
4. Draw the second side of the object to mirror the first side.
5. Erase the center line.
What symmetrical objects have you drawn lately?
Photo by Grafixar
I’m no the best drawer so this was a little hard for me. I had to do lots of erasing and redraw. But over all it was fun.
I do lots of erasing and re-drawing too! But the more you practice, the easier it gets! 🙂