Preschoolers love art! They enjoy drawing, painting, coloring, and handling very squishy playdough. And they don’t ever sit back, scrutinize their work, and wonder what they can do to improve it. They just love doing it!
If you have a little one, you know they love to be creative! But somewhere in the process of growing up, many children come to believe that they can’t draw, or paint, or do anything artistic. You can help your child avoid these kinds of thoughts by encouraging him along the way, especially when he is very young. But be prepared — it will probably get messy!
Ready to get started? Here are a few preschool art activities you can try:
* PLAYDOUGH – Playdough has always been a favorite around our house. I usually buy the very cheap kind from the dollar store, as I know most of it will be mixed together or dropped on the floor. There are also lots of recipes for making your own playdough, even the edible kind. On nice days we go outside to use our dough on the picnic table, saving me some clean-up time.
* CRAYONS AND COLORING BOOKS – This one is pretty much a given. But remember, the colors they choose won’t match real-life, and most likely they won’t stay in the lines. But it doesn’t matter! Remember, “it’s the process, not the product,” and that is certainly true with preschoolers.
* PENS AND PAPER – My children loved “drawing” with ball point pens since they were about a year old. The time they spent focused on their drawings increased as they grew older, and pens and paper have quickly became staples for long car rides. If you’re worried that your preschooler might hurt himself by falling with a pen, teach him the rule that he must always sit at the table when using it.
* STAMPS – These are always a hit, though be sure to get self-inking ones for your little one. I have tried it both ways, and when a preschooler is using an ink pad, ink is everywhere.
* WATERCOLORS – Buy those cheaper sets at the dollar store that come with a brush. Have your child sit at the table with the paints, the brush, a cup of water, and some plain white computer paper. Show her how to dip her brush into the water and then into the paints to get the color to come up. I never would have expected it, but when my son was only 2 1/2 years old, he already knew to wash out his brush out between colors to keep the paints clean. Another great benefit of using watercolors with preschoolers is that they are washable and will come out of clothes.
* WATERCOLORS WITH A TWIST – Speaking of washable, instead of using paper, try letting your preschooler paint on HIMSELF! What fun it is to paint red, blue, or green strips on your arms, your legs, your tummy! For even more fun, let him paint on YOU! 🙂
What are your preschooler’s favorite art activities?
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